BETYNKA (from the series Intimacy)
6 women. And their personal stories. Stylized art project deals with important personal and social issues and stereotypes accompanying the life of the woman in the changing of her status and role.

LIBUŠE (from the series Intimacy)
6 women. And their personal stories. Stylized art project deals with important personal and social issues and stereotypes accompanying the life of the woman in the changing of her status and role.

LUCIE (from the series Intimacy)
6 women. And their personal stories. Stylized art project deals with important personal and social issues and stereotypes accompanying the life of the woman in the changing of her status and role.

MARTA (from the series Intimacy)
6 women. And their personal stories. Stylized art project deals with important personal and social issues and stereotypes accompanying the life of the woman in the changing of her status and role.

TEREZA (From the series Intimacy)
6 women. And their personal stories. Stylized art project deals with important personal and social issues and stereotypes accompanying the life of the woman in the changing of her status and role.

For the European Eyes on Japan / Japan Today project, both authors Dita Pepe and Barbora Baronova focused on the status of women in Japanese society, mainly the role of unmarried women. The aim was to artistically capture the current social climate in which the clearly defined status of women has been significantly changing, particularly after getting married. The concept focused on recording the feelings and views of both randomly and intentionally selected women between the ages of 19 and 83. The chosen theme and its interpretation are based on the Intimacy Concept currently being developed in the Czech Republic by Dita Pepe and Barbora Baronová. Design and typefaces by Radim Peško.

Photographic and literary project inspired by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman´s publication The Art of Life dealing with the individual´s values in the postmodern liquid times. The book itself tries to introduce personal philosophy and ideas of women having different living conditions. Photographer Dita Pepe explains her own motivation to work on such a project: "I first heard the sentence Love yourself in Germany when I was 19, when I went there as one of the first girls from the Eastern Bloc. I think I explained it to myself as something negative, vain. I was incapable of seeing the context, or the consequences that an unhealthy relationship to oneself brings. For me it was very important not to let those around me down. For others to see me as good, clever, industrious. Why? I guess I wanted people, not just my nearest and dearest, to like me. So I always tried my best. When I started getting into photography I had the chance to get to know lots of interesting people. I realised that new encounters were reshaping my previous opinions. And that photography could have a therapeutic effect. After meeting Jana Drexlerová from the organisation Mammaphelp, and influenced by Zygmunt Bauman’s book The Art of Life, I decided to share my experience of the therapeutic form of photography with other women and in so doing to remind myself once again of the Love yourself theme."

The book "The Misses" (Slečny) is comprised of eight literary adaptations of open confessions of unmarried women in the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia, ranging from 1920’s to the present. The project describes the specific role of women in the context of modern history. The piece of work aims to offer a view of an interesting sociological phenomenon that becomes, more or less, an important indicator of the value of human life due to social, political, economic, religious, social and other variables. The resulting book is a combination of documentary work, journalism, sociological research, creative writing, historical, political and economic reflections, gender subjects, art and photographs.

What would it be like if I had been born somewhere else, in a different way, to other parents? What would I be like today, what would my life be like, and who would I live with? For me, photography is a kind of communication, not only with myself but also with other people. I use it to ask questions, to answer questions, to react, to feel, to experience. I´m always doing something. I turn the situation in a direction where a photograph can emerge. The main reason I do that is to get a good feeling from it. For me, photography is a way of searching.

What would it be like if I had been born somewhere else, in a different way, to other parents? What would I be like today, what would my life be like, and who would I live with? For me, photography is a kind of communication, not only with myself but also with other people. I use it to ask questions, to answer questions, to react, to feel, to experience. I´m always doing something. I turn the situation in a direction where a photograph can emerge. The main reason I do that is to get a good feeling from it. For me, photography is a way of searching.

Why do I photograph my mother? Because she has beautiful long hair. Because I love her very much and want to believe in her completely. For a long time, she has been my model. I would like to get to know her better, to be able to say everything to her. To know that she will be here always. I would like her to love me the most of all. I would like to be the most important person for her. I would like her to love herself, to live a beautiful life… and at the same time, I am thinking about myself. The story of the photographs is incomprehensible, unclear. It has no logic. I could say the same about my relationship with my mother.
- 1973 - Born in Ostrava (former Czechoslovakia)
In 2003 she graduated from the Silesian University in Opava where she majored in Creative Photography. Since 1999 she has been working on her most extensive project "Self-portraits" starting with self-portraits with women, later with men and families. Most of the photographs were taken in the Czech Republic, but also in Italy, Germany and this year in South Africa.
In cooperation with the literary documentarian Barbora Baronová she successfully published recognized photographic and literary documentary books “The Misses” (Slečny), “Love Yourself” (Měj ráda sama sebe) and “Intimita” (Intimacy). They have been preparing their new project to be carried out in Japan. Dita is holder of several Czech and international awards, including Personality of Czech Photography 2012 for the book Autoportréty (Self-portraits). Dita has received a Czech Culture Ministry and Museum of Czech Literature award and an honourable mention at the Art Books Wanted international competition for the publication “The Misses” (Slečny).
She has two daughters and lives with her husband in the Beskydy Mountains.
- 2001 - Kodak Nachwuchs Förder Preis, Hamburg (Germany)
- 2003 - 1st Czech Press Photo 2003 Award (with Petr Hrubeš)
- 2005 - 1st Award Jaromír Funke, Prague (Czech Republic)
- 2007 - 1st Audience Award, Prague Biennale 3, Prague (Czech Republic)
- 2008 - Gd4art Scholarship, Bologna (Italy)
- 2011 - Sylt-Preis-Preis für zeitgenössische Fotografie, Sylt (Germany)
- 2012 - "The Misses (Slečny)", The Most Beautiful Czech Books 2012, 3rd "Belles-Lettres", Czech Republic
- 2013 - "The Misses (Slečny)" Honorable Mention at the Art Books Wanted by Edition Lidu
- 2013 - Shortlist "The Photographer of the Year 2013" at the Czech Grand Design, Czech Republic
- 2014 - Art Residency Scholarship, Johannesburg (South Africa)
- 2014 - "Love Yourself (Měj ráda sama sebe)" Best Photography Book 2014 at the Art Books Wanted by Edition Lidu
- 2014 - Art Residency Scholarship "European Eyes on Japan", Tokyo (Japan)
- 2014 - "Dita Pepe Self-portraits", Kaleid Editions 2014 Finalist "Artists who do books", London (UK)
- 2016 - "Intimacy", Magnesia Litera "The Publishing Achievement" Award, 2016, Czech Republic
- 2016 - "Intimacy", The Most Beautiful Czech Books, 2nd place "The Fine Arts and Artist's books", Czech Republic
- 2016 - "Intimacy", Les Prix du Livre "Prix Photo-Texte" Shortlist at the Les Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, France
- 2018 - Nominace Czech Grand Design, Fotograf roku 2017, za fotografie pro Národní divadlo
Books, Catalogs (selection)
- 1999 - Vladimír Birgus, Václav Podestát, Jindřich Štreit (ed.), Vladimír Birgus, Jiří Siostrzonek. Jindřich Štreit (text), Lidé Hlučínska devadesátých let 20. století, Opava (Czech Republic): Slezská univerzita
- 2002 - Claudia Leiendecker, Kodak nachwuchs Förderpreis 2000–2002, Stuttgart & Hamburg (Germany): Kodak GmbH
- 2002 - Henriette Väth-Hinz, 2. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2002 (Germany), Reality-Check, Hamburg: Ttriennale der Photographie Hamburg GmbH
- 2002 - Vladimír Birgus, Dita Pepe – Autoportréty, Prague (Czech Republic): Galerie Velryba & FAMU
- 2002 - Vladimír Birgus, Dita Pepe, Opava (Czech Republic): Dům umění
- 2003 - Vladimír Birgus, Autoportréty Dity Pepe / Self-portraits by Dita Pepe, in: Václav Macek (ed.), Mesiac fotografie 2003 / Month of Photography 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia): FOTOFO
- 2004 - Vladimír Birgus (ed.), Institut tvůrčí fotografie FPF Slezské univerzity v Opavě. Klauzurní a diplomové práce 1998–2003 / Institute of Creative Photography, Silesian University in Opava. Diploma and Final Portfolios 1998–2003, Opava (Czech Republic): Slezská univerzita
- 2004 - Olga Sviblova (ed.), Fotobiennale 2004 / Photobiennale 2004, Moscow (Russia): Moskovskij Dom Fotografii
- 2004 - Rui Prata (ed.), Metamorfoses, Braga (Portugal): Encontros da Imagem
- 2004 - Vladimír Birgus, Aleš Kuneš (ed.), Cena Jaromíra Funkeho 2004, Prague (Czech Republic): Pražský dům fotografie
- 2004 - Sigrid Schneider, Stefanie Grebe, Wirklich war! Realitätsversprechen von Fotografien, Essen: Ruhrlandmuseum & Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag
- 2005 - Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch, Česká fotografie 20. století. Průvodce, Prague: KANT & Uměleckoprůmyslové museum
- 2005 - Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch, Czech Photography of the 20th Century: A Guide, Prague: KANT & Uměleckoprůmyslové museum
- 2006 - Vladimír Birgus, Dita Pepe, in: Anděla Horová (ed.), Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění – Dodatky, Prague: Academia
- 2006 - Vladimír Birgus, Absolventi Institutu tvůrčí fotografie FPF Slezské univerzity v Opavě 1991–2006 / Graduates of the Institute of Creative Photography 1991–2006, Silesian University in Opava, Opava (Czech Republic): Slezská univerzita
- 2006 - Helena Kontová, Giancarlo Politi (ed.), Prague Biennale 3, Milano: Giancarlo Politi Editore – Flash Art
- 2007 - Joanna Rzepka, Lukasz Dziedzic, Gry Wizualne, Cieszyn: Galeria Szara w Cieszynie (Poland)
- 2007 - Vladimír Birgus: Dita Pepe, in: Jolana Havelková, Naďa Kovaříková, Helena Musilová (ed), Rodina / Family, 7. fotografický festival Funkeho Kolín 2007, Kolín (Czech Republic): Občanské sdružení Funkeho Kolín
- 2008 - Giovanna Calvenzi, Photography Meets Industry, Bologna (Italy): Gd4art
- 2008 - Vlastimil Tětiva, Autoportrét v českém umění 20. a 21. století, Hluboká: Alšova Jihočeská galerie (Czech Republic)
- 2008 - Gilles Verneret: Dita Pepe, in: Gilles Verneret (ed.), Identité 08 / Identity 08, Lyon Septembre de la photographie, Milan (Italy), Silvana Editoriale
- 2009 - Giovanna Calvenzi, Mario Peliti, Laura Serani: Reportage Atri Festival 2009: Arti: Grafiche, Peliti Associati (Italy)
- 2009 - Magdalena Durda- Dmitruk (ed.), V. Warszawski Festiwal Fotografii Artystycznej: Warsawa (Poland), ASP
- 2009 - Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch, Tschechische Fotografie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bonn: Kunst– und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Germany)
- 2009 - Jiří Hrdina, Ostrava fotografická 1860-2009, in: Ivo Kaleta, Jakub Chrobák, Monika Horsáková, Pavel Hruška, Petr Hruška, Jan Malura, Bílá kniha, 17 příběhů z historie ostravské kultury, Ostrava: Statutární město Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- 2010 - Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch, Česká fotografie 20. století, Prague (Czech Republic): Kant & Uměleckoprůmyslové museum
- 2010 - Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch, Czech Photography of the 20th Century, Prague (Czech Republic): Kant & Uměleckoprůmyslové museum
- 2010 - Evžen Sobek, Photo Central, 8 fotografů střední Evropy, Brno (Czech Republic): Studio 19
- 2010 - Vladimír Birgus, Yu Iseki, Darknesses for Light, Czech Photography Today, Tokyo (Japan): Shiseido Corporate Culture Department
- 2010 - Susan Bright, Auto Focus, The Self–Portrait in Contemporary Photography, London (United Kingdom): Thames & Hudson
- 2010 - Simona Mehnert, Woman in Czech Photography, Berlin (Germany): Tschechisches Zentrum & Bonn, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
- 2011 - Jan Pohribný, Kreativní světlo ve fotografii, Brno (Czech Republic): Zoner Press
- 2011 - Roman Polášek, Martin Popelář, Dita Pepe and Petr Hrubeš, Výstavka, Ostrava (Czech Republic): Fotografická galerie Fiducia
- 2012 - Indra Wussow, Hartmut Andryczuk, Vokabelkrieger VI– Ende: Kunstraum Sylt Quelle, Berlin (Germany): Hybriden Verlag
- 2012 - Štěpánka Bieleszová, Civilizované iluze. Fotografická sbírka Muzea umění Olomouc / Civilised Illusions. Photography Collection of the Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc (Czech Republic), Muzeum umění
- 2012 - Denis Brudna (ed.), Sylt im Spiegel der Zeitgenössische Fotografie, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz (Germany)
- 2012 - Vladimír Birgus, "Dita Pepe – Autoportréty", Prague (Czech Republic), Kant
- 2012 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "The Misses" (Slečny), stylizovaný literární dokument, Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2014 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "Love Yourself" (Měj ráda sama sebe), Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2014 - Lukáš Bártl, Dita Pepe, "Self-portraits 1999-2014", Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2015 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "Intimacy" (Intimita), Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2018 - Dialog - angažovanost prostřednictvím kultury před rokem 1989 a po něm/ Dialogue - Engagement Through Culture Before and After 1989. Česká centra.
- 2019 - Katalog JFO - 66. koncertní sezóna 2019/2020. Janáčkova filharmonie Ostrava.
- 2020 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "Děvčata první republiky, Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2020 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "ženy o ženách" (Women About Women), Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2021 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "Hranice lásky" (Borders of Love), Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
- 2021 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, "hlasy žen: austrálie" (Voices of Women: Australia), Prague (Czech Republic), wo-men
Interviews, Articles (selection)
- 2001 - Denis Brudna, Ich, selbst und die anderen, Photonews, No. 12
- 2001 - Kodak Nachwuchs Förder Preis, Hamburg (Germany)
- 2001 - Tomáš Pospěch, Dita Pepe – Lucia Nimcová: Fotografie, Ateliér, No. 16–17
- 2001 - Vladimír Birgus: Proměny Dity Pepe, Fotografie Magazín, No. 3
- 2002 - Ines Gebetsroither, Rollenspiel und Körperbilder, Eikon, No. 39–40
- 2002 - Pavel Vančát, Dita Pepe, Fotograf, No. 1
- 2002 - Petr Třešňák, Která z Vás jsem já – průvodce identitou na fotografiích Dity Pepe, Respekt, No. 4
- 2002 - Tomáš Pospěch, Průvodkyně českou ženou, Salon, Právo, 5. 2. 2002
- 2003 - Jiří Macek: Vše o mé matce / All About My Mother, Blok, No. 8
- 2003 - Torben Müller, Der weiten Weg zum neuen Ich, Geo Wissen, No. 32 (View PDF)
- 2004 - Vladimír Birgus, Dita Pepe–Mimikry ženy, Fotografie Magazín, No. 1
- 2004 - Petr Volf, Dita Pepe – z cyklu Autoportréty s muži, Reflex, No. 24
- 2004 - Petr Vilgus, Dita Pepe (interview), DIGI Foto, No. 8
- 2005 - Marie Frajtová, Najít si své štěstí (interview), Instinkt, No. 40
- 2005 - Andrea Hozáková: Inkarnace (interview), Think Again, No. 21
- 2006 - Vladimír Birgus, "Žena mnoha mužů", Pátek Lidových novin, 8. 9. 2006.
- 2007 - Joanna Vasdeki, Dita Pepe, Highlights, No 28.
- 2007 - Frederique Babin, Les jeux de role de Dita Pepe, Le Monde 2, No. 164 (View PDF)
- 2010 - Harald Martenstein, Co nás spojuje, Geo, č. No. 10
- 2011 - Marita Krutzkamp, Familienbilder vergleichen– Gruppenbilder fotografieren, Kunst, No. 25
- 2011 - Pierre Boom, In das Leben der Anderen hineinschlupfen, Sylter Spiegel, No. 30
- 2011 - Barbora Baronová, Dita Pepe, RozRazil, No. 37
- 2012 - Tereza Kozlová, Mám ráda baroko i kýč, Pátek – Lidových novin, No. 27, page 17
- 2014 - Le Monde, Les Différentes Vies de Dita Pepe, 18. 9. 2014 (View PDF)
- 2014 - Judita Matyášová, Hledání štěstí podle Dity Pepe, Lidové Noviny, 8. 8. 2014, page 9
- 2014 - Jan Šída, Dita Pepe experimentuje s lidskou identitou, Právo, 9. 8. 2014
- 2014 - An seiner Seite, Stern Nr. 44, 23. 10. 2014 (View PDF)
- 2014 - Paulina Czienskowski, Dieser Frau ist immer im Bild, Die Welt, 17. 9. 2014, seite 24 (View PDF)
- 2014 - DIE WELT ‘Für einen Augenblick das Leben einer Fremden leben’
- 2014 - COLOSSAL ‘In Her ‘Self-Portraits with Men & Women’ Photographer Dita Pepe Seamlessly Integrates into the Lives of Others’ by Christopher Jobson
- 2015 - Bored Panda ‘Photographer Imagines Her Life With Dozens Of Different Men In Self-Portraits’
- 2015 - CNN ‘Identity theft: Meet the 'chameleon' who blends into other people's family portraits’
- 2015 - Vladimíra Žídková, Intimity Dity Pepe, FOTO No. 21, page 38
- 2015 - Luděk Staněk, Dita Pepe - jedna žena, desítky mužů..., Víkend, Magazín Hospodářských novin No. 4, page 6
- 2016 - Die Vielen Leben Einer Frau, Woman, Nr. 8, 14. 4. 2016 (View PDF)
- 2009 - "From Sudek to Saudek", directed by Nele Munchmeyer (Germany), 29 min.
- 2011 - "Dita Pepes Self Portraits", Euromaxx
- 2014 - "Dita Pepes Identitatenspiel", Richard Bonnet / Arte
Solo Exhibitions
- 2002 - Galerie Velryba, Prague, curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2002 - Altonaer Museum, Hamburg (Germany), curator Denis Brudna
- 2002 - Galerie Profil, Bratislava (Slovakia), curator Václav Macek
- 2002 - Dům umění, Opava (Czech Republic), curator Martin Klimeš
- 2002 - Galerie Žlutá ponorka, Znojmo (Czech Republic), curator Josef Plotzer
- 2003 - Mesiac fotografie Month of Photography, České centrum, Bratislava (Slovakia), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2004 - Encontros da Imagem, Braga (Portugal), curator Rui Prata
- 2004 - Fotobiennale, Češskij centr, Moscow (Russia), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2005 - Malá galerie České spořitelny, Kladno (Czech Republic), curator Jiří Hanke
- 2006 - Dita Pepe - Petr Hrubeš: Módní fotografie, Galerie Opera, Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- 2007 - Autopotraits de Dita Pepe, Centre cultureltché ue, Paris (France), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2007 - ZAK Gallery, Berlin (Germany)
- 2008 - Dita Pepe – Jiří Křenek, Fotobild, Czechpoint, Berlin (Germany), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2008 - Musee de Bibracte, Saint Leger (France), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2008 - Funkeho Kolín, Městské divadlo, Kolín (Czech Republic) – curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2008 - Gd4art Bologna, Photography Meets Industry, Bologna (Italy), curatorka Giovanna Calvenzi
- 2009 - Dita Pepe, Petr Hrubeš, Transphotographi ues, Lille (France), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2009 - Reportage Arti Festival, Arti (Italy), curatorka Giovanna Calvenzi
- 2010 - Galerie Nova, Košice (Slovakia), curator Gabriel Balog
- 2011 - Dita Pepe, Petr Hrubeš: Výstavka, Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava (Czech Republic), curators: Roman Polášek, Martin Popelář
- 2011 - Self-portraits from Ostrava, Sächsisches Staatsministerium, Dresden (Germany), curator Simona Mehnert
- 2012 - Indigo conceptspace, fotografie z knihy "Slečny", Prague (Czech Republic)
- 2013 - Prague Photo, Indigo conceptspace "Měj ráda sama sebe", Prague (Czech Republic)
- 2013 - Galerie Komorní scény Arena, "Slečny", Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- 2014 - Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě - Dům umění "Dita Pepe", Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- 2015 - DEPO 2015 "Současné Japonsko evropskýma očima", Plzeň (Czech Republic)
- 2016 - Love Yourself by Dita Pepe, Mutual Inspirations Festival 2016, Embassy of the Czech Republic, Washington
- 2017 - Galerie Fotografic, Bitch in Heat, Prague
- 2018 - Polagraph, Praha. Love in progress
- 2018 - Diera do sveta, Liptovský Mikuláš. Z intimity.
- 2018 - Synagoga, Levice. Výstava Dity Pepe. V rámci 11.roč. Mezinárodního fotografického festivalu v Levicích
Group Exhibitions (selection)
- 1998 - Nová jména, Pražský dům fotografie, Prague (Czech Republic), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Aleš Kuneš
- 1999 - Lidé Hlučínska devadesátých let 20. století, Slezské zemské muzeum, Opava (Czech Republic), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Václav Podestát, Jindřich Štreit
- 1999 - Coincidence XIX, Galerie Ignis, Köln (Germany), curator Günter Demnig
- 2001 - The Womens’ EyeView, Consulate General of the Czechoslovakia, Bombay (India), curator Antonín Braný
- 2002 - Space, Dunaujváros (Hungary), curator Zsolt Petrányi
- 2002 - Konfrontace: Institut tvůrčí fotografie FPF SU v Opavě, Pražský dům fotografie, Prague (Czech Republic), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2002 - Věříme, Truhlárna, Prague (Czech Republic), curator Štěpánka Stein
- 2002 - City of Women, Lublaň (Slovenia), curator Alexandra Vajd
- 2002 - Česká a slovenská fotografie osmdesátých a devadesátých let 20. století / Czech and Slovak Photography of the 1980s and 1990s, Muzeum umění Olomouc (Czech Republic), curators: Helena Rišlinková, Lucia Lendelová, Tomáš Pospěch (Bratislava)
- 2002 - Visual Gallery of Photokina – Kodak Förder Preis, Photokina, Messe, Köln (Germany)
- 2003 - Nejmladší, Národní galerie v Praze, Veletržní palác, Prague (Czech Republic), curators: Jiří Valoch, Tomáš Vlček, Milan Knížák
- 2003 - Molodi česki fotografi / Jeunes photographes tchéques, Misjac fotografii u Kievi / Mois de la photographie a Kiev (Ukraine), Centralnyj dom khudozhnikov, Kyjev, curators: Vladimír Birgus, Václav Podestát
- 2003 - Paris Photo (Leica Gallery Prague), Paris (France), curator Jana Bömerová
- 2003 - Levhartí kůže, Moravská galerie, Brno (Czech Republic), curator Pavel Netopil
- 2004 - Wirklich war, Ruhrlandmuseum Essen (Germany), curators: Sigrid Schneider, Stefanie Grebe
- 2004 - Institut tvůrčí fotografie FPF Slezské univerzity v Opavě (Czech Republic). Klauzurní a diplomové práce 1998–2003 / Institute of Creative Photography, Silesian University in Opava. Diploma and Final Portfolios
- 1998-2003 Dům umění, Opava (Czech Republic), curator: Vladimír Birgus (Ostrava, Poznaň, Kaunas, Prague)
- 2004 - Cena Jaromíra Funkeho, Pražský dům fotografie, Prague (Czech Republic), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Eva Hodek, Aleš Kuneš
- 2005 - Coolhunters, Städtische Galerie, Karlsruhe (Germany), curator: Peter Weibel
- 2005 - Česká fotografie 20. století, Galerie hlavního města Prahy - Městská knihovna, Prague (Czech Republic), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch
- 2006 - Absolventi Institutu tvůrčí fotografie FPF SU v Opavě, Dům umění / Graduates, Institute of Creative Photography, Silesian University in Opava 1991–2006, Dům umění, Opava (Czech Republic), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2007 - Glocal Girls, Prague Biennale 3, Karlínská hala, Prague (Czech Republic), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2007 - Gry Wizualne, Galeria Szara, Cieszyn, (Poland) – curators: Joanna Rzepka, Lukasz Dziedzic
- 2007 - Mladé české fotografky, Mesiac fotografie, Bratislavský hrad, Bratislava (Slovakia), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2008 - Identities of Young Czech Women Photographers, Lyon Septembre de la photographie, Lyon (France), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2008 - Autoportrét v českém umění 20. a 21. století, Alšova Jihočeská galerie, Hluboká (Czech Republic), curator Vlastimil Tětiva
- 2009 - Fiatal cseh női fotográfusok kiállításának megnyitójára, A Magyar Fotográfusk Háza – Mai Manó Ház, Budapest (Hungary), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2009 - Tschechische Fotografie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Kunst–und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (Germany), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch
- 2009 - Toźsamości Młodych Czeskich Fotografek, V. Warszawski Festiwal Fotografii Artystycznej, Galeria Luksfera, Warszawa (Poland), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2009 - Self-portraits, Atri Festival, Atri (Italy), curator Giovanna Calvenzi
- 2010 - Women in Czech Photography, Kleisthaus, Berlin (Germany), curator Simona Mehnert
- 2010 - Darknesses for Light, Contemporary Czech Photography, Shiseido Gallery, Tokio (Japan), curators: Vladimír Birgus, Yu Iseki
- 2010 - Dowody Tožsamości / Dita Pepe, Jerzy Lewczyński, Czytelnia sztuki, Gliwice (Poland), curator Magdalena Sokalska
- 2011 - Again and Again and Once More?, Medienturm, Graz (Austria), curator Sabine Winkler
- 2011 - Gruppenausstelung zu textilen Identitaten und modischen Theorien, Das Institut, Berlin (Germany), curator Ann–Kathrin Rudorf
- 2012 - Civilizované iluze, fotografická sbírka Muzea umění Olomouc. Muzeum umění Olomouc (Czech Republic), curator Štěpánka Bieleszová
- 2012 - Sylt im Spiegel der Zeitgenössischen Fotografie, Berlin (Germany), curator Denis Brudna
- 2012 - Rodina, Slezské zemské muzeum, Opava (Czech Republic), curator / curator Imrich Veber
- 2012 - Mezinárodní fotografický festival TIFF, Wroclav (Poland)
- 2012 - Pecha Kucha Night, fotografie z knihy Slečny, Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- 2013 - Vnitřní okruh v současné české fotografii, Městská knihovna, Prague (Czech Republic), curator Vladimír Birgus
- 2013 - Designblok, Pinkabinet, Prague (Czech Republic)
- 2013 - Identity: Psychologické portréty, Robert Koch Gallery, San Francisco (United States)
- 2014 - Power and Play, De Markten, Brussel (Belgium)
- 2014 - Ich – Fotografische Selbstinszenierungen von Frauen, Kunst:raum Sylt quelle (Germany), curator Denis Brudna
- 2014 - Vnitřní okruh v současné české fotografii, Muzeum moderního umění Olomouc (Czech Republic)
- 2015 - Festival Circulations - festival de la jeune photographie européenne, Paris (France)
- 2015 - Faces Now, Portraits photographiques européens depuis 1990, BOZAR, Brussel (Belgium), curator Fritz Giersberg
- 2015 - Faces Now, Portraits photographiques européens depuis 1990, BOZAR, Brussel (Belgium), curator Fritz Giersberg
- 2015 - Faces / European Portrait Photography since 1990, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam
- 2016 - Čtvrtstoletí. ITF FPF SU v Opavě, Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Dům fotografie
- 2018 - European Portrait since 1990, Photo Espana 2016, Madrid
- 2019 - Trauma / Tíseň /Extáze / Prázdnota. Formule patosu 1900-2018. Západočeská galerie v Plzni, kurátor Ladislav Kesner a Petra Kočová
- 2019 - Dialóg. Banská stanica Contemporary, Bánská Štiavnica, Slovenská republika
- 2019 - Dialog. Galerie Arsenal, Univerzita v Bialymstoku
- 2019 - Rodny sklon. Národní centrum moderních umění Běloruské republiky, Minsk

€ 35 (750,- CZK)
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© 2022 All rights reserved Dita Pepe.
Please do not publish any photography without author's prior writen consent.
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This site was originally designed by Milan Nedvěd in 2006 using Flash and it was recently updated to HTML5 standards.
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